We #LovePlano in the #KingsRidgeHOA, and the City of Plano has made Kings Ridge the very first neighborhood in Plano to host the LovePlano Heart!
As we prepare for our largest, annual neighborhood event on Tuesday, Oct. 3 with our National Night Out parade and community gather, we’re shining the light on community engagement and safety. (Parade 6:30 p.m. Community party in phase two park 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.)
Show your neighborhood and city pride this weekend (the weather is amazing), and share a photo of you, your pets and friends with the #LovePlano Heart located along Kings Manor between the Shady Brook Trail and Indian Creek.
When sharing on your social media channels – Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat or Instagram – use the hashtags #LovePlano and #KingsRidgeHOA. Our National Night Out blog from our HOA website: https://kingsridgehoa.net/national-night-out-to-showcase-safety-community-engagement-oct-3/
A few volunteer spots remain, so let the NNO planning committee know if you’d like to help (e.g. parade judge, banner holder during guest speaker talks, greeter, food table helper, cleaner upper). Reach Bill Kula at 214-789-1644.