Landscaping improvements in the neighborhood are helping make sure Kings Ridge looks beautiful. Beauty is one of the four key planks of the City of Plano’s BEST Neighborhood program we won in 2016 and can re-apply for in 2021.
Two major spring landscape projects, implemented by the former HOA board and landscaping committee, have been completed, according to former landscaping chair and recently elected HOA board member who is serving as board president, Steve Jacobson.
• McKamy entrance – 100 flats of Asian Jasmine and 94 shrubs were planted and benefitting from the recent rains.
• Seven neighborhood entrances – 89 shrubs and four flats of Asian Jasmine were planted and also enjoying the spring weather.
The completed project at the southern McKamy entrance actually started last fall. The center island was modified with hardscape, using river rock to both accent the island and decrease the bed size. More tolerant ground cover for this microclimate was also used. Atop the McKamy entrance, seven neighborhood entrances were replaced where bare spots were dead and dying plants were removed.
Soil was amended for each new plant that was installed. Watering was also adjusted to give our new plants a good start before the summer heat starts, said Lisa Carmichael, our new landscaping chair.
* More Projects Under Consideration *
Our final phase of projects under consideration involves amending the Luxborough entrance. The wax myrtles on the north entrance wall have suffered for years, and the trees above them were causing too much shade for them to survive.
In the phase two greenbelt, where the Easter egg hunts traditionally take place, the center “island” (the plant bed where the sidewalks splits to form the circle) work could involve a similar combination of hardscape (river rock), perennials and planting of a Crepe Myrtle.
When plans are finalized and approved, additional information will be provided to the neighborhood.
Funding for these projects is being supplemented by a $10,000 grant received from the City of Plano for their beatification program.
“We hope everyone enjoys the fresh look throughout the neighborhood,” said Steve. “On behalf of the HOA Board and Landscaping Committee, thank you for the opportunity to serve our community.”