If you have not already RSVPd for this year’s annual Kings Ridge holiday party, please do so to assist with food preparation.
Neighbors will gather THIS Saturday, December 7, at 6809 Grand Falls from 7 to 11 p.m. for a night of fun involving a casino, delicious food and drinks, and friendly conversations with neighbors.
The party is just $10 per person if paid in advance and $15 at the door.
This year, the party will benefit Minnie’s Food Pantry in Plano, so please bring a canned food (or two or three) to donate and help others.
RSVP to [email protected]. Include your name(s), number of guests, payment method, address and email address(es). The payment method is cash or Venmo to @heather-buskuhl.
You can drop your payment off on the porch of 6809 Grand Falls Circle (in the red box). Cocktail attire and adults only, please.
Tags: Christmas, holiday party, holidays, party