Back by popular demand, Kings Ridge adults are invited to participate in the annual “Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner” social event on Saturday, Feb. 22.
This entertaining evening brings together neighbors of all backgrounds. During the social event that begins at 6 p.m., neighbors meet new people and strengthen long-term relationships while eating great food and drinking great beverages amid a slight air of mystery!
Host Homes Sought
Our HOA social committee is seeking neighbors who would like to serve as host homes. If you’re open to hosting, please reach the committee and let them know how many guests you can comfortably accommodate for a seated dinner.
In addition, all neighbors are invited to RSVP as guests. For hosting or attending, the RSVP email is the same – [email protected].
What’s Involved?
On Feb. 22, hosts homes will open their house to dinner party guests, they just don’t know who until that night! Meantime, guests won’t know until the night before where they will visit, but they will know what to bring.
Dinner will take place between 6 and 7 p.m. Dessert will take place after 8 p.m. Home hosts serve appetizers and refreshments and guests bring an assigned in advance entrée, side dish or salad.
During “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner,” guests take their food to their assigned home that evening. After enjoying a great meal, everyone gathers at a designated dessert house where the evening continues with refreshments and fun.