Sept. 3 UPDATE: This event has been postponed by the Kings Ridge HOA social committee due to a lack of host homes. They’ll try this again in the future.
The return of the very popular “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” social event in Kings Ridge is in jeopardy of being cancelled if not enough neighbors want to serve as a host home.
In July, our Kings Ridge HOA social committee announced plans for the Saturday, Oct. 1 social event in which a host home welcomes 6 (on average) neighbors for dinner at 6 p.m.
Hosts supply appetizers and beverages, and guests bring either an entree, side dish, salad or dessert based on a note they get from the social committee.
After dinner, all hosts and guests head to a designated dessert home in the neighborhood for sweets, drinks and fun visits with other neighbors.
Because this event requires a lot of logistical preparation behind the scenes to match host homes with guests, advance planning is essential.
If you wish to serve as a host home, please send an email this week to [email protected]. Neighbors who want to attend, but not be a host, can also email the same address to express interest. Updates will be provided next weekend if this popular event takes place or is cancelled due to lack of interest.