
All Kings Ridge neighbors are welcome to attend this month’s homeowners association meeting. The meeting takes place on Wednesday, August 28 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the nearby Parr Public Library, 6200 Windhaven Pkwy.

The HOA meetings are designed for neighbors to stay apprised of issues impacting the neighborhood and all guests have a voice in the meetings with an open session to share recommendations and ideas and pose questions to the board and Real Manage property manager. Here is the meeting agenda:

1. 6:30pm: Open Session Call to Order

2. Approval of July 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

3. Consent Agenda Items Review:

Tree Pruning by Bartlett of Mincing Way Only, Proposal dated 7/29/24 in the amount of $1,280.00

Buchanan Proposal 1343 dated 7/25/24 in the amount of $1,175.00 to clean out drain cleanout at Lux.

SPSD Proposal 14611 date 7/23/24 to replace plants which were stolen in the amount of $604.66.

SPSD Proposal 14729 dated 8/5/24 for repair to main line leak at Shadow Rock and Whisperfield in the amount of $870.00.

SPSD Proposal 14667 dated 8/6/24 to add 20 Lantana to North bed at McKamy Median in the amount of $511.77

SPSD Proposal 14729

Electrician Work at entrances

4. Monthly Manager’s Report

  1. Financial Review/Discussion

  2. Status of Form 1120-H and 990 (Federal Tax Amended Return for 2023)

  3. Delinquency Summary

  4. Violations Summary

  5. TROPA Summary

5. New Business

  1. Emergency Reserve Investments Account Update

  2. Wall Report

  3. Sales Tax Recapture Update

  4. 2025 Budget Discussions

6. Committee Reports:

    1. Landscape—Lisa Williams

      1. Current Project Status

      2. Other On-going Actions

    2. ACC Update—Brent Rice

  • Social Update—Elizabeth Ashby

  1. Safety Update—Paul Nolte

  2. Communication—Bill Kula

    1. Signage Update

    2. Monthly NewsLetters

  • Suggestion / Feedback Box

  1. Short messages on Board approval of actions, i.e. pump replacement, tree trimming, etc.

7. 8:15pm thru 8:30pm. Homeowner’s Open Session.  The Board will do its very best to conclude Board business by 8:15pm.  What’s On Your Mind?  This is your community.  This is the time where Homeowners can ask questions, express concerns, volunteer for committees.  The Board is here to listen and help.

8. September Board Meeting Date: September 25, 2024

9. 8:30pm. Call for Adjournment
