
All Kings Ridge homeowners are invited, and encouraged, to stay up to speed with issues impacting our entire neighborhood. The next meeting takes place at nearby Parr Library, 6200 Windhaven Pkwy, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 18.

In a significant agenda change, the open session for neighbors to discuss issues on their mind has been moved to the start of the meeting. That 15-minute window is for neighbors to surface issues on your mind that you want to discuss with the board of directors so please take advantage of this adjusted approach if you are interested.

The agenda is as follows:

6:30 pm: Open Session Call to Order

6:30 pm to 6:45 pm: Homeowner’s Open Session.  What’s On Your Mind?  This is your community.  This is the time where Homeowners can ask questions, express concerns, volunteer for committees.  The Board is here to listen and help.

Approval of August 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

Consent Agenda Items Review


 Monthly Manager’s Report

  1. Financial Review/Discussion
  2. Status of Form 1120-H and 990 (Federal Tax Amended Return for 2023)
  3. Beneficial Owner Information for Corporate Transparency Act filing
  4. Delinquency Summary
  5. Violations Summary
  6. TROPA Summary

New Business

  1. Wall Report and Repair Estimate
  2. Sales Tax Recapture Update
  3. 2025 Budget and Reserve Discussions and Approval

Committee Reports

    1. Landscape—Lisa Williams
      1. Current Project Status
      2. Other On-going Actions
    2. ACC Update—Brent Rice
    3. Social Update—Elizabeth Ashby
      1. Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner, October 12
      2. Safety Update—Paul Nolte
      3. National. Night Out, October 1
      4. Communication—Bill Kula
        1. Signage Update
        2. Monthly NewsLetters
        3. Suggestion / Feedback Box

8:30 pm. Call for Adjournment
