
All neighbors are invited to join the Tuesday, March 25 Kings Ridge HOA board of directors meeting during which neighbors can present requests and questions to the board. The meeting takes place at nearby Parr Library, 6200 Windhaven Parkway from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Below is the agenda.

6:30 pm: Open Session Call to Order

6:30pm to 6:45pm: Homeowner’s Open Session.  What’s On Your Mind?  This is your community.  This is the time where Homeowners can ask questions, express concerns, volunteer for committees.  The Board is here to listen and help.

Approval of March 2025 Board Meeting Minutes

Consent Agenda Items Review: None

Monthly Manager’s Report

  1. Financial Review/Discussion
  2. Delinquency Summary / Notices
  3. Violations Summary
  4. TROPA Summary
  5. New Property Manager Update

New Business

  1. Reserve Study
  2. Electrical Issues at Kings Manor/Lux and Spring Creek
  3. North Pond Update
  4. Setting Up Venmo Account/Alternatives Discussions
  5. HOA Insurance
  6. 2025 Annual Meeting Planning/Elections, May 14, 2025

Committee Reports and Updates:

    1. ACC Update—Brent Rice
    2. Communication—Bill Kula
    3. Landscape/Walls—Lisa Williams
    4. Social—Elizabeth Ashby
    5. New Resident Welcome Package Status/Grant—Brent Rice
    6. Holiday Lights Update—Diane Nolte

Next Board Meeting: April 30th at Parr Library, 6:30pm.

Annual Meeting: May 14th at David Library; 6pm.

Adjourn 8:30pm.
