Architectural Control Form
Kings Ridge Homeowners Association, Inc.
How to Obtain Approval for Home Improvement Modifications
Residents who move into Kings Ridge agreed in documents at the time of the closing to abide by the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (DCCRs). The deed restrictions protect property values by keeping the community a highly desirable place to live. Residents can obtain the DCCRs from this website.
The neighborhood's three-member, homeowner-elected Architectural Advisory Committee (AAC) must evaluate and ultimately vote on all home modifications and/or improvements that are visible from public view.
Incomplete requests will be returned for additional information, and some requests may prompt questions from members of the AAC. Incorrect information or changes made after approval invalidates ACC approval.
The goal of the AAC is to assure that all changes to properties within Kings Ridge conform to the appropriate Deed Restrictions. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. If you have questions about any aspect of seeking approval for architectural modifications and/or improvements, please consult with the HOA property manager.
Chair: Brent Rice, 214-808-3100, [email protected]