Join a Kings Ridge HOA Committee
The Kings Ridge board of directors seeks volunteers to offer their talents to make the neighborhood a great place to live, work, learn and play. Please read the committee goals below. If you are interested in serving on a committee, please contact the committee chair or fill out our online form.

Communications Committee
Goals: Spur two-way dialogue within the neighborhood and keep the entire community informed of important community events, as well as regional items of interest to homeowners. Help manage the content for the HOA website, newsletter, Twitter, and Facebook page, and monitor activity on the Nextdoor online community forum.
Tactically, this committee seeks writers, editors, photographers, and social content managers. Additional support can be provided in the realm of external affairs by regularly monitoring the P&Z and City Council agenda for Plano and The Colony that could impact our neighborhood.
Chair: Bill Kula, 214-789-1644, [email protected]

Landscape Committee
Goals: Enhance the neighborhood's overall appearance and elevate home value by sprucing up the look and feel of the neighborhood by educating and encouraging owners in the community to keep their properties well maintained. Help with the Yard-of-the-Month program that encourages neighbors to make Kings Ridge look nice. Be the eyes of the community for irrigation problems that require attention by the board of directors, property management firm, and landscaping and irrigation vendors.
This chair also contributes ideas toward the HOA's master landscaping vision and proposed to Adopt A Tree program. Work with external vendors to select holiday lighting in common areas and work with volunteer neighbors to place US flags at HOA entrances during major flag displaying holidays.
Chair: Lisa Williams, 469-223-2400, [email protected]

Safety Committee
Goals: Enhance safety awareness in the community. Work with the Plano Police and other local law enforcement agencies as needed and organize and oversee a crime-prevention network of block captains for every street in the neighborhood's three phases so that residents can watch out for one another. Oversee the neighborhood's award-winning and largest of its kind in the Plano National Night Out event on the first Tuesday of each October.
Investigate the latest ideas and trends in both property crimes and crimes against persons and how to prevent those types of crimes in the community, and work with the Communications committee to share this information with the community.
Chair: Paul Nolte, 214-957-3868, [email protected]

Social Committee
Goal: Foster a cohesive community by organizing fun, interesting, engaging events and forums for the entire community so neighbors of all ages and backgrounds can meet and socialize with each other. Cultivate a friendly and engaging personality for the neighborhood by creating a sustained program of events that involve people of all ages.
Chair: Elizabeth Ashby, 214-906-1731, [email protected]

Block Captain
Goals: One person is assigned to each street in the neighborhood to serve as a hyper-local point of contact with neighbors. Block captains help keep neighbors on their designated street apprised of breaking news; collect information about new neighbors and invite them to register their emails with Realmanage User Portal in the [Request Portal Access] section of this page; "like" the HOA's Facebook page, and register for Next door, the online community forum used by 500+ neighbors.
Block captains often serve as deliverers of hard-copy flyers and postcards to neighbors on their designated streets.
Chair: Stephanie Davis, 214-668-6466, [email protected]