Please attempt to attend the 2022 Kings Ridge HOA annual membership meeting this Thursday, May 12 at 6:30 p.m. The meeting will take place at nearby Tom Muehlenbeck Rec Center, 5801 W Parker Road, and just east of the Dallas North Tollway.
An important part of the meeting will be an operational review, a review of 2022 financials and the election of two (2) Directors to the Kings Ridge Board of Directors for the two (2) year term.
Nominations will be taken from the floor due to only having one candidate on the ballot. You can find the proxy and ballot on our website, www.kingsridgehoa.net under the Community Documents tab on the home page, https://kingsridgehoa.net/community-documents-governing-documents/.
Copies were also mailed to neighbors by property management company Real Manage. Please email back your proxy to [email protected] if you’re unable to attend the meeting in person.
A quorum of 10% (58 homes) of the membership is required to conduct the annual meeting.
Any member present at the meeting will constitute a quorum for the election. If you are unable to attend the meeting, please complete and sign the proxy and return it to Real Manage as soon as possible.
Your presence at the meeting will automatically void any proxy of record and allow you to vote via ballot. It is encouraged that you send in your proxy regardless of your intent to attend the meeting to ensure we achieve quorum and avoid any costly expenses of conducting reconvened meetings.
We look forward to seeing you at the annual meeting. If you have any questions regarding the meeting, please contact Real Manage at [email protected] or 866-473-2573.