Neighbors Invited To Serve One Open Board Seat That Expires in May 2025

Dear Neighbors, During our 2024 Kings Ridge HOA annual meeting in May, two board seats...

Record Number Of Households Elect New Board Members

Kings Ridge HOA neighbors elected Paul Nolte and Lisa Williams to serve a two-year term...

Three Neighbors Vying For Two, Two-Year Term Board Seats

Three neighbors have submitted their intent to run for the two open HOA board seats...

Submit HOA Board of Director Candidacy Form By April 22

The Kings Ridge Homeowners Association will be electing two Board members at the Wednesday, May...

Seeking Candidates To Fill Two Expiring HOA Board Of Director Seats This Spring

The Kings Ridge homeowner association will be electing two board members this spring at the...

Stay Engaged With Kings Ridge: Neighbor Invite to June 21 Board Meeting

All Kings Ridge homeowners are invited, and encouraged, to attend the Wednesday, June 21 board...

Welcome New HOA Board Members For 2023-2024

Thank you, Kings Ridge neighbors, for attending the May 24 annual meeting and submitting your...

Three HOA Board Seats Open This Spring

The Kings Ridge homeowner association will be electing three board members in April at the...

2022 Annual HOA Meeting May 12th Features Board Elections

Please attempt to attend the 2022 Kings Ridge HOA annual membership meeting this Thursday, May...

HOA Annual Meeting May 12 / Board Candidacy Forms Due April 20

On behalf of the Kings Ridge Board of Directors, all Kings Ridge neighbors are invited...