Hello neighbors, this is the HOA spring 2020 quarterly update on activities and other items involving the Kings Ridge community.
From the HOA Board of Directors
• Annual meeting: As a result of the current government COVID-19 restrictions, we have postponed the April 16th HOA annual meeting until further notice. This move impacts the election for 2 open board positions in accordance with our CCR’s/Bylaws that call for us to conduct the election during our annual meeting versus outside the process. One of our current board member’s term expires in April. His term will extend until the time we’re able to hold the annual meeting and election. We’d expect to hold the meeting approximately 30-days after the government gathering restriction is eased. This timing will allow for notices to be mailed to the community and for the Board to address any issues associated to there not being enough candidates for the election. As of now, we had 3 candidates who have submitted their information to be placed on the ballot as of our original March 16, 2020 deadline.
• BNSF Railroad 2nd Rail Project: Thank you to all who attended our March Board Meeting and Townhall. In review, BNSF Railway will extend the 2nd track which currently ends in Phase 1 near Crystal Falls. We’ve been informed, BNSF will extend the 2nd track to Grandscape Blvd. and use it for a passing lane when two trains need to do so. The 2nd track will be no more than 18 feet from the existing track, be at approximately the same height and will be no closer than 40 feet from our west screening wall. The railroad has presented an offer to purchase permanent easement rights on 3 slivers of land west of the screening walls in Phases 2 & 3 owned by the HOA. They also made a cash offering to temporarily use a 4th parcel. The Board is negotiating to increase the offer. Within the next few days the Board will release a communication piece which specifically addresses topics raised during the townhall and the next steps relative to this subject.
• Common Areas: We are fortunate to have many common areas throughout our community. These areas are for the enjoyment of every resident. Each area has a designation for maintenance and upkeep. Some are mowed twice monthly while other areas are left native. Homeowners are not to mow, prune or remove brush and trees in the common areas. Additionally, homeowners are not to install temporary or permanent lighting or other objects in common areas. Please contact us through FSR Connect (https://kingsridgehoa.connectresident.com/) should you see a need for pruning or something else associated to a common area. The appropriate resources will assess the situation and take the necessary action.
• Screening Walls Repair Initiative: We are currently leading a long-term initiative to repair the Association-owned brick screening walls surrounding our community. The first step in the process is to have a registered architect complete a comprehensive assessment of the walls. Information from the assessment will be used to prioritize repairs and aid in fiscal planning. Assessments began in late-December and are expected to wrap up by mid to late-March.
• Sidewalk/Street Renovation: More than 7,500 square feet of sidewalk (and some street) repairs are taking place in various parts of Kings Ridge under direction by the City of Plano’s Public Works Department. The first phase of the project involving Stillwater, Grand Hollow, Ladbrook Court, Tempest Circle, Falling Water and Lost Arbor Court was completed in March.
A second phase of the project has begun in our middle phase. That will involve streets east of Kings Manor including Fullerton, Autumwood, Medallion, Canyon Falls, Beckworth, Rainwood and Traceland. That work will also involve local street repairs.
A third phase will involve sidewalk and street repairs on the main thoroughfares of Round Springs, Whisperfield and Kings Manor. City of Plano crews – not contractors – hope to do some additional sidewalk repairs following the initial work involving subcontractors in other parts of the neighborhood, according to the city’s director of public works.
For any questions about the City of Plano work, including any damage to your water sprinklers, yard or vehicles, should contact the Public Works department at 972-769-4140. All neighbors are encouraged to drive extra carefully while crews are working in the neighborhood.
• Want to Speak to a Board Member? The quickest way to make a connection is to submit a request through FSR Connect (https://kingsridgehoa.connectresident.com/). Your request is then registered and monitored by both FSR and the Board. Be sure to provide details on the topic you’re wanting to discuss, and a Board Member will contact you. Also know, homeowners are always welcome to attend a monthly HOA Board Meeting and interact with the Board during the public session portion of the meeting.
From the Landscape Committee
• Mincing Way 2020 Plano Beautification Grant Program: The City of Plano awarded our community a $10,000 grant to execute the Mincing Way entrance landscape improvement project. As those of you who use this entrance know, the turf has completely died, and the soil has eroded. The area will receive hardscape, softscape and ground cover to provide a long-term solution for the bare spots under the large live oaks on both sides of Mincing Way. The installation will be completed in April.
• Tree removal along Petticoat: There are approximately 26 trash trees on the westside of the screening walls along Petticoat and Merriweather. Many are growing against the wall and were trimmed last year after causing damage to it. It has been decided to remove these trees altogether to avoid further damage to the screening wall. We realize the impact removing these trees will have on further opening the view to Grandscape and the railroad. Be advised, however, that we are developing plans to disrupt the view as part of our negotiations with the BNSF Railway.
From the Safety Committee
• Home Security: Homeowners have attended monthly Board Meeting over the past few months to raise attention to the continuing problem of car and garage break-ins. Neighbors are encouraged to be vigilant about crime prevention. Lock your home’s doors and windows, even when you are at home. Always lock your car doors and try not to have any valuables visible, e.g. keys, briefcases, iPhone, radar devices, which would be tempting to a thief. And always close your garage doors to prevent car break-ins, and theft of bicycles, tools, and other valuables from being taken.
Motion light detectors in the driveways and Ring™ or other similar devices are getting popular and could have an impact on whether the would-be thief would decide to break into your home or car. Leaving lights on in your home at night and in the back yard with timers may be another deterrent to a thief. Another thought when traveling would be to 1) have your mail picked up by a neighbor or stopped by the USPS, 2) ask your neighbor to pick up any newspapers or other media from your front door or lawn which may accumulate and be a sign that nobody is at home, 3) limit your social media posts to those you know as this shows again, that you’re not at home. These are just a few tips to protect yourselves and your property. More tips can be found at the City of Plano website and other Internet searches.
The Plano Police Department has issued a new 30-minute home security video featuring the two senior ranking officers in the Crime Prevention Unit, and can be viewed on this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-33JX-ogpew&feature=youtu.be
You can find more than 100 videos from the Plano Police here involving safety: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGbwNR_-QmDMu1u1s8i1fwor1HjwfbJ-e
From the Architectural Control Committee (ACC)
• Planning a modification to your residence: As a reminder, modifications including (not limited to) replacing an aged or damaged roof, changing an exterior color of your home or fence or adding structures like a pool or pergola all must be preapproved by the ACC before construction starts. The process is initiated by completing an ACC form found here: https://kingsridgehoa.net/acc-form/. The ACC will review, approve or ask questions once submitted.
From the Social Committee
• Upcoming social events: All upcoming community social events are postponed during the COVID-19 restricted gathering instructions. Be on the lookout for events once we are past the government restrictions
The Social Committee invites anyone who would like to join the committee in planning these and other fun events to contact them @[email protected].
From the Communications Committee
• Kings Ridge Honored by City of Plano: For years, Kings Ridge HOA has cultivated a relationship with the City of Plano to showcase why our neighborhood makes a meaningful difference in our city and why our neighborhood stands unique from all others.
A few weeks ago, our neighborhood was honored by having a photo of our 2018 National Night Out event with the Love Plano Heart, hundreds of neighbors, the police chief, fire chief, city councilmember and members of the Police Department grace the cover of the 2019 City of Plano annual report, https://www.plano.gov/DocumentCenter/View/42336/Plano-2019-Annual-Report?bidId=.
The City of Plano annual report was revealed at the State of the City address by our mayor at the Plano Chamber of Commerce meeting.
We’ve hosted the Love Plano heart three times, and the symbolism of having the Love Plano heart in our neighborhood is more than a photo opportunity. It’s a highly earned privilege that demonstrates a strong partnership between the City of Plano and Kings Ridge and it will help us in our pursuit of a 2nd BEST Neighborhoods award in 2021.
• Police Chief Invited to National Night Out Oct. 6: Communications chair and National Night Out co-chair Bill Kula attended the City of Plano ceremony for new Plano Police Chief Ed Drain, and extended a personal invitation to Chief Drain to attend and speak at our Tuesday, Oct. 6, 2020 National Night Out celebration. Chief Drain has visited Kings Ridge on National Night Out (NNO) before and was pleased to hear that our event that shines a spotlight on safety and community engagement is thriving.
Tags: HOA board, HOA quarterly update, news