Kings Ridge Home Owners Association

Kings Ridge Neighbors Invited To Jan. 15 HOA Board Meeting

All Kings Ridge homeowners are invited to attend this week’s monthly HOA Board meeting. It’s...
Kings Ridge Home Owners Association

RSVP Now For “Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner” 2020

Back by popular demand, Kings Ridge adults are invited to participate in the annual “Guess...
Kings Ridge Home Owners Association

December Yard Of The Month Award Winners

Congratulations to our December Yard of the Month winners selected by the Kings Ridge Landscape...
Kings Ridge Home Owners Association

Community-Wide Holiday Party RSVP Reminder

If you have not already RSVPd for this year’s annual Kings Ridge holiday party, please...
Kings Ridge Home Owners Association

Fall/Winter HOA Board Of Directors Update

Greetings Kings Ridge neighbors, this is our fall/winter 2019 HOA Board Communications Newsletter covering various...
Kings Ridge Home Owners Association

September Yard Of The Month Winners

Congratulations to our September Yard of the Month winners. Their yards were the latest to...
Kings Ridge Home Owners Association

Kings Ridge Annual Holiday Party Set For Dec. 7

Your Kings Ridge Social Committee invites you to our 2019 Holiday Party! This year it...