Stay Engaged With Kings Ridge: Neighbor Invite to June 21 Board Meeting
All Kings Ridge homeowners are invited, and encouraged, to attend the Wednesday, June 21 board...
Welcome New HOA Board Members For 2023-2024
Thank you, Kings Ridge neighbors, for attending the May 24 annual meeting and submitting your...
April 19 HOA Board Meeting Begins at 6:30 p.m.
All Kings Ridge neighbors are invited to attend the April homeowners meeting with the board...
One Open HOA Board Seat Available For Kings Ridge Neighbors
The Kings Ridge HOA board of directors has an available position due to the resignation...
Plano Leash Law Is Not Optional
Kings Ridge has long been a great place to walk our four-legged friends, and with...
Neighbors Invited to July 13 HOA Board Meeting at Parr Library
All Kings Ridge neighbors are invited to participate in the next Kings Ridge HOA monthly...
HOA Annual Meeting May 12 / Board Candidacy Forms Due April 20
On behalf of the Kings Ridge Board of Directors, all Kings Ridge neighbors are invited...