N2 Publication Not Endorsed, Authorized By Kings Ridge HOA, Board Or FSR

Neighbors have recently received in the mail (or will this week) another copy of a...

Tree Trimming Project Near Railroad Tracks

Kings Ridge neighbors, Now that our latest round of much needed rain has ended, some...

HOA 2017-18 Board Roles

During the Kings Ridge HOA annual meeting in April 2017, residents of Kings Ridge elected...

Lava Cantina Noise Action Plan Discussed During HOA Meeting

Lava Cantina owner Ian Vaughn and Kings Ridge neighbors were commended by City of Plano...

Three Board Members Elected, City Of Plano And Lewisville ISD Bonds Discussed, During HOA Annual Meeting

Homeowners re-elected two board members, elected one new board member and heard community reports about...

Well Maintained Fences Project Positive Neighborhood Appearance

Home maintenance is a topic that’s important to all of us. We’ve all invested in...

New Board Of Directors Appoint Officer Roles For April 2016-2017

During the Kings Ridge HOA annual meeting April 28, residents elected two new members and...

Enjoy Our New Website

To enhance communications about the Kings Ridge HOA, our community’s website has been enhanced to...